It happens. Watercolors. Permanent Black Markers. You are going to make a mistake. Quickly sketching it out with pencil first helps me make fewer errors, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Here are my solutions:
1. Cover it up with white pen. I use a Signo UM-153 white pen to scribble overtop of my error. I suppose you could use white-out. Apparently it works. I know I’ve done this about 3 times and I had to hunt to find an example. (I dropped my brush, full of orange paint)
2. Cover it up with paper…decorative or just white paper.
3. Ignore it. Seriously. My main goal is to hear what the Lord would have me hear as I read and study, NOT to create masterpieces. Errors are not a big deal in my book. Notice how I extended this black line on the Bible WAY too far? Ya. I pretended it didn’t happen.